Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Real Cost of Same Sex Marriage

In a landmark decision last Friday, SCOTUS (Supreme Court of The United States) voted 5 to 4 in favor of legalizing Same Sex Unions in all 50 states of the United States. A mixed reaction was received from sheer elation to total shock and horror.

Those of you that know me well will be aware of just how much work I have put into effecting change in the last 25 years for the LGBT Community. For me the ruling should be a landmark in my timeline as a gay person who believes in equality, however my response was sadly, bitter sweet.

Whilst I am elated that my community will have more rights, as a Christian and someone who considers themselves to be so much more than their sexuality, I will not be so easily bought off by highly priced tokens such as this. It has become clear that not towing the LGBT line has a price to pay but clearly I lost my fag badge some time ago.

For us to assume that this is solid victory is nothing short of folly. When the US Government dealt with Civil Partnerships, they could have saved a lot of bad feeling and disharmony by affording exactly the same rights as Marriage, however they didn’t. Please do not kid yourself that the recent ruling is anything to do with equality or truly supporting our community as the methodology is further evidence of governmental control attempts.

“Oh Xander but now we have full equality under the law”, I hear you say, but sadly we haven't and the cost of this empty gesture has far reaching consequences for us as a nation. If we analyze the rights afforded by Marriage and those of same sex Marriage, we will see they are anything but equal. Employment rights surely needed the most urgent attention as one can still be fired for being gay in some states.

Legalizing same-sex “marriage,” means The State can call upon public officials to preside at ceremonies, order public schools to teach its acceptability to children, and punishment for any state employee who expresses disapproval. One could maybe argue Judges and officials should perform these ceremonies as it is their job, but do we really want anybody to be forced to accept us?

Ministers of Religion could also be forced by Law to perform these ceremonies under penalty of prosecution, even if they do not accept the sanctity of the ceremony. If a heterosexual approaches a Minister of religion to request a Marriage Ceremony be performed and the individual does not attend the church or is not a member of that faith, the Minister may refuse. How is this Equality if people are forced to participate? This is called slavery and no one should be forced to be a part of anything they oppose in these United States.

Christians will now be expected to ignore their conscience and comply or face prosecution. Is this really what we want from being able to access our rights and to obtain equality? Is this what I have spent the last 25 years campaigning for? I really think not. If obtaining our rights by this method includes trampling all over the rights of others, what have we really achieved?

Before you say “Xander, it would never happen” I am here to tell you that it already did. Donald and Evelyn Knapp, ordained ministers who own the Hitching Post Wedding Chapel in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho were told they had to either perform same-sex weddings or face jail time and up to a $1,000 fine. Equality is not about my rights being more important than yours, it is about them being the same or it would be privilege. Saying no should be a right for whatever reason, being forced is slavery.

There is method in the madness here and this is clearly the Government using Same Sex Marriage as a tool of control. Churches who do not comply as well as being open to prosecution will more than likely lose their Tax Exempt status . If we were left wondering what the cost is for this was, now we have the answer. When did our community become the aggressors? Did I miss that memo?

I have defended our rights to the hilt and whilst I will continue to do so, I am really left scratching my head. This really is equality at any price any price an the fact that most won't see that we have been used, is the saddest part of all . Whilst division is never totally unavoidable, this was totally premeditated and I cannot support or celebrate slavery. 
Whilst we deserve equality under the law, forcing others to celebrate it is not what I signed up for. We need to see beyond the veneer of gestures of this kind and hold on tight. This is a very slippery slope!

Love and Peace, Xander.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Xander Berkeley Revisited!
With Noah Michelson & Xander Berkeley
Madrigal Media Presents ‪#‎Xandermonium 
Hosted by: Xander Gibb 
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Tyhe Paul Egar

Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Madrigal Media Presents #Xandermonium
Hosted by: Xander Gibb
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Guest Co-Host Anthony Losacco

Today's show is dedicated to Stephen NH Bacon & The People of Charleston.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Join us Today: 1pm - Pst/4pm - Est/9pm - Uk

Madrigal Media Presents #Xandermonium
Hosted by: Xander Gibb
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Question of the day, Should Dr's be allowed to refuse treatment under the guises of Religious Freedom, breaching The Hippocratic Oath?
Call Us: 347 884 9061

Monday, June 8, 2015


If you missed Episode 130 of ‪#‎Xandermonium‬, you can check it here. 
Thanks to Anthony Losacco 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Join Us Today!!
1pm - Pst/4pm - Est/9pm - Uk

Madrigal Media Presents #Xandermonium
Hosted by: Xander Gibb
Follow on Facebook/Twitter & Check out his Website.


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In Part 2, The Losacco Report with
Tony Losacco!

Monday, June 1, 2015